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At Questacon, we strive to engage all Australians with science, technology and innovation. We're actively building a better future through interactive, relevant and fun experiences in our centres, on the road and online.

Vision and purpose

Our vision is that Australians are inspired by science and technology and the opportunities it creates for the future.

Our purpose is the create fun interactive learning experiences that stimulate engagement in science and technology.

As Australia’s National Science and Technology Centre we support young people to develop the attributes, skills, and knowledge to thrive in tomorrow’s world.

We achieve this through:

  • rich, hands-on science engagement at our 2 Centres
  • high impact STEM programs delivered to regional and remote Australia
  • dedicated experiences for our early learners and their carers
  • engaging students and educators with programs to develop STEM capabilities
  • embracing First Nations knowledge to deepen understanding of our first peoples’ long-running connection to and use of science and technology.

Want to find out more about our approach to STEM engagement? Download our Strategic Plan below, read our policies, plan a visit to our Centres or discover our history.