Questacon – The National Science and Technology Centre has taken out two awards at the 2013 Canberra and Capital Region Tourism Awards, winning the Tourist Attraction and Tourism Education Program categories.
These annual awards aim to showcase the best of the region’s tourist industry organisations and promote, encourage and reward tourism excellence. This is the ninth consecutive win for Questacon in the Tourist Attraction category, and the first-time entry into the Tourism Education Program category.
“Winning these awards is recognition of the consistently high quality experiences we strive to deliver, both for families visiting the ACT and school groups rounding off civics and citizenship excursions with a visit to Questacon,” said Craig Whelan, Manager for Visitor Engagement.
Entry to the Tourism Awards is an extensive and rigorous process, encompassing site visits by the judges, mystery shopper evaluations and a lengthy written submission outlining Questacon’s offering for tourists as well as its planning, operational and sustainability strategies.
“This honour is highly valued, especially in this Centenary of Canberra year and Questacon’s own 25th Anniversary as Australia’s National Science and Technology Centre. Since opening in 1988, we have continuously evolved and improved our exhibits and programmes to ensure there’s always something new for visitors,” said Mr Whelan.
Questacon’s exhibitions, programs and activities provide an important complement to formal school education. We inspire and enthuse, helping to increase retention in science and technology subjects and encourage students to consider careers in these fields.
The opening in June 2013 of Questacon’s second facility, the Questacon Technology Learning Centre, has added significantly to our educational offering, and provides an opportunity for deeper engagement with students.
Questacon reaches more than three million people annually through its two Canberra facilities, national outreach programmes and travelling exhibitions, educational videoconferences and online. Questacon’s ability to combine interactive experiences, entertainment and education to spark student’s interest in science and technology has made it the third most visited attraction for interstate school groups last year.
Questacon will represent the Canberra and Capital Region at the 2013 Australian Tourism Awards in Sydney on 7 February 2014.