Samsung Electronics Australia in collaboration with Questacon – The National Science and Technology Centre has launched Make My Idea – a national competition to drive student engagement in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM).
The Make My Idea competition is all about showing young people the relevance of STEM subjects in fields they are passionate about and getting them excited about developing practical skills in these areas. The digitally-led competition will run until Wednesday 22 November, followed by a live-streamed event on Thursday 29 November when several ideas will be selected and broadcast live on Samsung’s YouTube channel at 4.30 pm. A number of students will also see their concepts become basic prototypes or 3D models with the support of STEM experts.
By visually highlighting the skills required to bring these ideas to life, Make My Idea will show students that the majority of the things they are interested in, such as music, sport and fashion, are largely made possible by STEM.
Chances are, a kid you know has lots of great ideas. If you know a young inventor aged 12-25 encourage them to get involved with this competition to possibly see their idea come to life!
All entrants will go into the running to win a Samsung ‘Ideas Lab’ – this includes a Galaxy S8 phone, Galaxy book, Virtual Reality headset, 360 camera and a Dex Station.
More information on Make My Idea (including the competition terms and conditions) can be found at www.makemyidea.com.au.