Questacon is excited to be involved with The Love Your Sister Big Heart Project, held in Canberra on 10 May 2017. Crowds flocked to the Lyneham Netball Courts with over 10 000 people turning up on the day to donate their 5 cents.
The goal was to build a million dollar heart for Canberra local Connie Johnson, and as the heart rapidly grew, the Questacon team was on hand to capture aerial and time lapse footage. Throughout the day the brightness of the big heart grew with five cent pieces – a testament to the big hearts of the people who donated so generously to this important cause. Visit our YouTube channel to check out the incredible footage of the bursting heart!
Questacon will continue to support Love Your Sister’s dream of a cancer-free future by inspiring future generations of researchers to study and support science, technology and innovation and help find the cure. Let’s work together towards a cancer free future!
On the day, the Big Heart Project raised over $2 million for cancer research, including a massive amount of online donations – and the donations still pouring in! There is still time to get involved, head to www.loveyoursister.org to donate and help kick cancer for good.