Questacon – The National Science and Technology Centre is back on the road after a year of being unable to travel, and will be in Darwin this month to deliver Questacon STEM Futures.
Developed for primary and secondary teachers and school leadership, this hands-on program helps teachers engage their students in science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) subjects.
STEM Futures workshops will be held at the Mantra Pandanas Darwin over five days from 8-12 March 2021. The program includes free two-day workshops for teachers and a one-day workshop for school leadership.
Developed in collaboration with the Northern Territory Department of Education, the workshops are designed to help implement the STEM in the Territory Strategy. The program is aligned to the Australian Curriculum and provides teachers with tools and teaching strategies as well as opportunities to network with key Northern Territory STEM organisations.
STEM Futures is being delivered by Questacon with Supporting Partner INPEX, as part of a four-year partnership to increase energy literacy in Australian communities and promote awareness of United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 7: affordable and clean energy.
“Designed by teachers, for teachers, STEM Futures focuses on practical, hands-on experiences that get teachers thinking about how they can implement STEM programs in their classroom,” said Anita Beck, Senior Manager, Learning Experiences.
“The workshops help teachers facilitate opportunities for students to work on problem solving, communication and critical and creative thinking, while building their digital literacy skills,” said Anita.
“We want teachers to feel confident putting together quality learning experiences for students. It really is quite amazing what you can do with simple resources and a bit of creativity!”
Questacon’s programs are guided by a National Presence Strategy. Activities delivered under the strategy aim to build STEM engagement through increased collaboration with regional STEM providers, and promote increased STEM capability, future job pathways and support for isolated students, families and teachers.
About the Partnership:
Questacon and Supporting Partner INPEX have entered into a four-year million-dollar partnership from 2019-2023 to engage young people in a conversation about energy, its use, and the role it will play in the future. This partnership focuses on increasing energy literacy within Australian and Japanese communities. Energy is an important and complex part of everyday life and an understanding of energy is important to enable people to make informed decisions about their own energy use and to understand energy policy and issues.
Media contact:
Questacon – The National Science and Technology Centre 02 6270 2907, 0468 516 411 or communications@questacon.edu.au