On Saturday 25 March 2017, Questacon – The National Science and Technology Centre delivered a special event - Take Flight @ Questacon to celebrate the opening of international touring exhibition, Above and Beyond.
Above and Beyond presented by Boeing is the newest blockbuster exhibition at Questacon inviting visitors to experience what it takes to make the ‘impossible’ possible in and above the sky.
Take Flight saw Questacon take over the lawns opposite to welcome over 3000 visitors throughout the day. Event attendees immersed themselves in a fun filled day of interactive flight featuring activities from some of Australia’s most well regarded aviation and aerospace organisations.
Activities included the Royal Australian Air Force’s Super Hornet flight simulator and tethered balloon rides in the Questacon hot air balloons. The Australian Army displayed a range of unmanned aerial systems and brought along their roving Army Band from the Royal Military College to entertain guests. The Questacon Excited Particles were on-hand delivering flight inspired Spectacular Science Shows and the Questacon astronauts even made an appearance.
Visitors had the opportunity to participate in virtual reality activities including flying an F/A-18 or walking on the moon courtesy of the Royal Aeronautical Society. Recreational Aviation Australia’s flight instructor provided pre-flight briefings to guests throughout the day.
Australian Border Force showcased their detector dog programme, demonstrating how their clever canines help protect Australia’s borders form drugs and other goods from being smuggled into the country. Visiting from NASA, Mr Badri Younes, Deputy Associate Administrator for Space Communications and Navigation, delivered a special presentation in Questacon’s Japan Theatre called ‘To Mars and Beyond.’
Above and Beyond has been enjoyed by more than three million people in Washington DC, Seattle, Chicago, London, Japan and Dubai with Questacon being the first Australian stop for this blockbuster exhibition.
Questacon would like to thank Take Flight event supporters; The Australian Army, Royal Australian Air Force, Royal Aeronautical Society, Australian Border Force, Recreational Aviation Australia and the Embassy of The United States of America – Canberra.
Above and Beyond closes 23 July 2017 and is supported by Media Partner Nine Canberra.