Exhibit 20 Jun 2022Beehive
Take a peek inside and see what makes the hive buzz. If you’re lucky you might even spot the queen!

Free Fall
Exhibit 07 Jul 2022Free Fall
Experience the exhilaration of weightlessness in Free Fall! Feel your heart race as you hang from the bar, then let go and fall smoothly down this 2-storey tall vertical slide.

Q Lab
Exhibition 09 Sep 2013Q Lab
Ask questions, test theories and experiment with others in Q Lab!

Science on the Move
Exhibition 08 Jul 2022Science on the Move
Enjoy, discover and explore principles of light, music and sound, human biology and health, force and motion, ecology and the environment, electricity and magnetism, human population and genetics.

Science Garden
Exhibition 15 Apr 2013Science Garden
Take a trip outside to the Science Garden and discover exhibits inspired by the natural elements of sun, wind, water and rock.

Exhibition 18 Mar 2013Excite@Q
Get excited! Excite@Q is high energy, high impact and highly addictive. A complete hands-on, minds-on experience guaranteed to bend both mind and muscle.

Perception Deception
Exhibition 08 Jul 2022Perception Deception
Questacon's travelling exhibition Perception Deception explores your brain's ability to take sensory signals and paint a mental picture of your environment.

Earth Quest
Exhibition 08 Jul 2022Earth Quest
Take an incredible voyage from the outer limits of the Milky Way galaxy to the very centre of the planet Earth.