Measurement In Rough Seas
Learn 22 Jun 2022Measurement In Rough Seas
Keep a level head and don’t get seasick in this experiment about rough waters, tides and stilling wells.

Mexican Jumping Bean
Learn 25 May 2017Mexican Jumping Bean
This bean may appear to move by magic, but the real reason is just marble-ous!

Rice Vice
Learn 25 May 2017Rice Vice
You may have heard of pulling a sword from a stone, but how about a spoon from rice? When friction comes into play, this is a lot harder than it sounds!

Rubber Glove-A-Phone
Learn 25 May 2017Rubber Glove-A-Phone
A hand-y way to toot your own horn!

Black or white?
Learn 25 May 2017Black or white?
For some science experiments, the explanation isn’t black and white. But in this case it is!

Upside Down Water
Learn 26 May 2017Upside Down Water
Can you flip a cup of water upside down without making a huge mess? It’s easier than you think!

Water Turbine
Learn 26 May 2017Water Turbine
Let water spin you round, right round, round, round, like a record ... Don’t get dizzy while making your own water turbine!

Wind In A Bottle
Learn 24 Jun 2022Wind In A Bottle
Keen on making a storm in a teacup? Swap a teacup for a plastic bottle, and create a storm in your own little atmosphere.